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Gumball 3000 (May 2009)

The Gumball 3000 (3000 miles) is an international rally (Motto «It’s not a Race, It’s a Rally») on public roads. The event takes place every year since 1999.
1st – 8th May 2009
Los Angeles – Miami «coast-to-coast»
120 cars
3,000 miles

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2 Comentarios

mayo 4 2009

7 placemarks 5.021 visualizaciónes 0 visualizaciónes/24h


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2 respuestas a «Gumball 3000 (May 2009)»

  1. Popart

    crazy race, crazy video, crazy guys… never heard of the Cuban Brothers!?

  2. hellowien

    I like the T-shirt of David Hasselhoff «I’m not dead yet»
    At least he hasn’t lost his sense of humour yet!

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