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Gabriel Evans is the founder of Best Lease Deal. In his teenage days, Gabriel worked 9-to-5 as a mechanic at a Brooklyn-based Chevrolet dealer, doing his share of drag racing on the side with cars he built himself. With some financial help from his working-class parents, he went on to purchase a small gas station, then a Honda dealership back when the Japanese company’s only products were motorcycles. After the rise in popularity of car leasing, Labert decided to open a leasing dealership and now takes pride in being able to offer some of the best deals available in the New York area.

Best Lease Deal
801 Amsterdam Ave #126
New York, NY 10025
  • Best Lease Deal

    Driving in New York can be an adventure to say the least. To help you make that adventure as fun and safe as it should be, Best Lease Deals offers and incredible selection of new and used cars for lease in New York for incredible prices. For years, our leasing company have been helping drivers…