24 maps pubblicati210.653 visualizzazioni
Steve Jobs’ house
This is the home where Steve Jobs lived from the mid-1990s to his death in October 2011.
Ottobre 16 2011
1 Placemark -
Sprengung Sendeturm Bisamberg
Am 24. Februar wurde der 265 Meter hohe und 80 Tonnen schwere Sendemast am Bisamberg zwischen Wien und Niederösterreich gezielt gesprengt. Die Erhaltung des Turms wäre zu teuer gewesen. Das höchste Gebäude Österreichs ist nun der Wiener Donauturm. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brqn_FQx8nE
The longest way 1.0
Cool video of the one year walk “The Longest Way 1.0” by Christoph Rehage. Display "THE LONGEST WAY 1.0 – 350 days of hiking through China – TIMELAPSE" from YouTube Click here to display content from YouTube. Learn more in YouTube’s privacy policy. Always display content from YouTube
The Squirrelizer = photo crasher
Melissa Brandts and her husband were hiking in Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada and decided to take a portrait of themselves with spectacular Lake Minnewanka in the background. Melissa set up the camera and went back to pose, and her husband held the remote shutter release. Meanwhile, attracted by the sounds of the autofocus,…
Agosto 22 2009
1 Placemark | 4 Commenti -
Das Donaukanaltreiben 2009 (5. – 7. Juni) in Wien ist ein Festival, das am Donaukanal in Wien stattfindet: Fernwärme Wien, Spittelau summerstage flex Tel Aviv Beach Team für Europa – Bühne Salztorbrücke Leo’s Stage – Europe City Beach Strandbar Herrmann Central Garden
Giugno 5 2009
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Shakespeare’s Birthplace
William Shakespeare’s (26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616) Birthplace in Stratford upon Avon.
Ottobre 20 2008
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Steve Fossett’s plane wreck
This is where Steve Fossett’s plane wreck was found on October 2, 2008: Mammoth Lakes in California.
Ottobre 2 2008
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Google Dance 2008
The Google Dance is an annual event (in August) at the Googleplex. Here are some photos of the party!
Agosto 21 2008
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Hard Rock Cafe in London
The first Hard Rock Cafe opened on June 14, 1971 in London.
Agosto 17 2008
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George Clooney’s homes at Lago di Como
George Clooney’s “Villa Oleandra” and “Villa Margherita” at Lago di Como (Lake Como) in Northern Italy.
Giugno 30 2008
2 Placemarks | 1 Commento