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ZERO Emissions Race World Tour

Around the world in 80 days! The ZERO Emissions Race is all about sustainable mobility and transport. The event aims to generate popular enthusiasm for the use of renewable energy sources for vehicles and set the highest environmental standards for the future. This is why all participating ZERO Race teams are required to produce their own electricity using renewable sources such as solar, wind, wave and or geothermal. This electricity must be then fed into the grid system in the home country of each team, so that during the ZERO Race, the equivalent can be harnessed to power the vehicles on their worldwide journey.
Louis Palmer, the first person to circumnavigate the planet in a solar powered vehicle, known as the Solartaxi, is the Tour Director of ZERO Race.

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agosto 28 2010

76 placemarks 22.211 visualizaciónes 0 visualizaciónes/24h


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